Get to Know United Way of New York State

Vision Statement

Every New Yorker has the opportunity to achieve their full potential.

Mission Statement

To strengthen the capacity of United Ways to be leaders in achieving results that improve the lives of all New Yorkers.


United Way of New York State Equity and Anti-Racism Statement

Donor Privacy Policy


Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you always wanted to know about United Way of New York State

Q. How long has UWNYS been operating?

A. UWNYS was begun in 1975 to give United Ways a voice in state government. This occurred during the first big shift of federal responsibilities to the states!

Q. Who decides what services are provided?

A. Our organization’s most valuable customers – local United Ways. The state Board of Directors is responsible for approving annual service plans and the budgets to support those activities, in consultation with local United Ways.

Q. How are service priorities decided?

A. Local United Ways tell the state Board what’s important through our strategic plan, training evaluations, feedback from local volunteers on the state Board, and the Membership Advisory Committee (local United Way executives). Then the Board decides annually on a service plan and budget that reflects those goals.

Q. How is UWNYS governed?

A. By the statewide Board of Directors including local United Way volunteers, up to ten local United Way executives, and several statewide volunteers from key constituencies such as labor, business and education. Our chair is Kevin O’Brien.

Q. How often does the Board meet?

A. The full Board meets four times a year. Meetings are open to any local United Way leadership who would like to attend.

Q. What does the Membership Advisory Committee (MAC) do?

A. UWNYS’ by-laws establish MAC as an advisory committee to the Board consisting of all local United Way executives. They meet several times a year to develop consensus around important issues. The 2025 MAC chair is Paula Perna, President & CEO, United Way of Broome County.

Q. How is UWNYS financed?

A. About 65% percent of our revenues come through membership support from local United Ways. Other sources include contract administration fees, grants and training fees

Q. How do UWNYS services differ from United Way Worldwide?

A. UWNYS provides services unique to NYS such as state-level public policy, shared grant initiatives like 2-1-1 and EITC, and support on other shared projects with local United Way members.

Q. Who is the President & CEO of the United Way of New York State?

A. Therese Daly and she was announced on January 10, 2025.


Financial Reports

Below are our most recent financial statements. UWNYS is audited in conjunction with our affiliate organization, 2-1-1 New York. Inc.