Navigating U.S. Federal Policy Change

Federal Policy Resources

In light of the shifting federal policy landscape, UWW is monitoring implications for the network and identifying resources for local United Ways impacted by Administration and Congressional actions. Below is a running list of supports and information on federal policy for local United Ways, which will be updated regularly. UWW is working closely with our partners across the nonprofit sector to track developments and provide the network with the most up-to-date information as we receive it.

If your United Way receives federal funding, consider the following: 

  • Get in touch directly with your federal grant coordinator and any contracting officers to get an official assessment of your funding status, and meticulously document facts related to your current and anticipated federal grants.
  • Reach out to the offices of your federal elected officials (United States Representative, United States Senator) to educate and inform them on the benefits that your federally funded projects will provide to their constituents, especially in terms of jobs, the economy, and other positive impacts on their community.

Share How Your United Way is Being Impacted

Some local United Ways have begun to report impacts to their operations, funding, and/or programs. To help United Way Worldwide (UWW) understand and support the network’s rapidly emerging needs and challenges, we invite you to share how your United Way is being impacted using this form. If you have a question for UWW, please send it to Ask United WayThank you for your partnership as we navigate these changes as a united network.

Federal Government Resources 

Resources from Nonprofit Partners

Resources from United Way Worldwide